HC Deb 01 March 1915 vol 70 cc548-9

asked the Prime Minister whether he is now in a position to state the intentions of the Government as to compensation to householders and others whose property has been injured by raids of enemy aircraft or warships; whether the special Committee which has been appointed will consider the damage in each case upon its merits but upon a general understanding that the cost of such damage, being a result of a state of war, should be borne by the community as a whole; whether the Government are yet in a position to state when the Report on the damage caused by and the compensation to be paid as a result of the raid on Scarborough, Whitby, and the Hartlepools will be issued by the special Committee; and whether previous declarations by the Government as to the payment of compensation in connection with damage caused by subsequent raids, e.g., the air raid over Norfolk, will apply to the air raid damage at Braintree, Coggeshall, Marks Tey, and Colchester?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Asquith)

As I have already stated in the House, each case as it arises will be considered on its merits. I am informed that Lord Par-moor's Committee have held repeated sittings, and have made arrangements which will enable them to deal with all cases of damage to persons and property within the area of their reference. They are proceeding in the first instance to assess the figures in respect of the poorer class of property, in which it is necessary that repairs should be made at once, and are presenting an interim report in regard to Whitby.

Relief will be granted in the case of damage caused by the recent air raid in Essex on the same lines as in the cases now being examined by the Committee.