HC Deb 01 March 1915 vol 70 c565

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether he is aware that in a number of agricultural districts the education authority has practically suspended the provisions of the by-laws under the Education Act in order to enable farmers to employ children between the ages of eleven and fourteen years to make good the alleged deficiency in the supply of labour caused by recruiting; and whether, as a protection for these children against further encroachments on their legal educational rights, he will order recruiting agents not to seek further enlistments in those districts, and thus follow the example already set in other trades?


No official information has reached the War Office of the kind referred to in the first part of the question. I regret I am unable to take the action which the hon. Member suggests of stopping recruiting in agricultural distrists.


May I ask whether the right hon. Gentleman is prepared to advise the Government to suspend the Game Laws so that the gamekeepers can go to work on the land?