HC Deb 30 June 1915 vol 72 cc1797-8
21. Sir A. MARKHAM

asked whether the official announcement that the idea of keeping back news from the public because it is disagreeable to disclose it is a policy that would never be pursued represents the views of the present Government; whether the official news of the German Government has been censored; and why the country is kept in ignorance of the lines held by the British and French in the Dardanelles seeing that this information is well known to the enemy?


Yes, Sir. News is not kept back because it is disagreeable. German wireless messages are censored only if they contain wholly false information intended to mislead neutrals and others. As regards the positions occupied in the Dardanelles, the Naval and Military authorities supply such information as they think may be published, and the Press Bureau publish it as supplied.


The right hon. Gentleman has not answered my question as to whether the official news of the German Government has been censored. I want a reply to that, Yes or No. I would also ask whether the right hon. Gentleman considers that Lord Kitchener, who is in charge of the official censorship, considers people who have given their life's blood and money to carry on this War cannot be trusted to know the truth, seeing that we have to get the truth from the American papers, which arrive a week or two late.


I think the hon. Baronet did not hear the answer which I gave, because it deals with both the points he has now put.


No, it does not.

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