HC Deb 30 June 1915 vol 72 cc1799-800
32. Sir A. MARKHAM

asked the Minister of Munitions whether his attention has been drawn to a statement made at West Hartlepool on 25th June by the President of the Board of Trade that it was truer now to say than on 21st April, when a statement was made on the subject of munitions, that we have enough explosives for our own use and some to spare for our Allies; whether, seeing that he recently stated we were short of shells, he will say whether he authorised the President of the Board of Trade to make this statement; and whether this statement represents the views of His Majesty's Government?


The statement of my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade is in accordance with what the Minister of Munitions said here on Wednesday last. The President of the Board of Trade was careful to distinguish between the supply of explosives and other munitions of war, which, of course, includes shells.


Did the right hon. Gentleman say a word about the Newcastle speech when he spoke on the Munitions Bill?


My hon. Friend will see that the answer I have made is strictly accurate if he consults the speech of the President of the Board of Trade.


Was not the President of the Board of Trade quoting the words of the Minister of Munitions used in this House on 21st April?


The statement of the President of the Board of Trade was strictly in accord with that made by my right hon. Friend in this House.