HC Deb 29 June 1915 vol 72 cc1635-7
40. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the Prime Minister whether the Government will require during the War the suspension of the agreement by which the men of the London Fire Brigade can give a week's notice and so prevent any further loss of men such as has necessarily occurred through Reservists being called out, and needless loss through men being tempted by high wages in South Africa to throw up their positions after they have been made valuable assets by their training?


I fully appreciate the difficulty in which the London Fire Brigade has been placed by the loss of men who have joined the fighting forces, though I believe only one man has gone to the Union Forces in South Africa. Both the War Office and the Admiralty have, at my instance, agreed to take no more recruits from the members of the Metropolitan Fire Brigades, for they are discharging a patriotic duty in protecting London from the risk of fire.

Commander BELLAIRS

With reference to the statement about only one having gone to the Union Forces in South Africa, is the right hon. Gentleman aware that I am referring to the general labour situation tempting men away from the London Fire Brigade?


I did not know there was more than one.

Commander BELLAIRS

That is only the Union Forces.

41. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that there are eighty-five professional and volunteer fire brigades in the Metropolitan Police area; whether he is aware that there are in addition a number of fire brigades on the borders of this area as well as a number of privately-owned fire and salvage brigades, such as belong to the railway and insurance companies; whether he is aware that the system of control of the eighty-five fire brigades and of the other bodies by county, borough and urban district councils is such that full co-ordination of this personnel and matériel equipment is impossible; and, in view of the menace to which London and outlying parts are subject from aerial attack, will the Government bring the fire brigades under a single control such as is exercised in the Metropolitan Police, or inquire into the matter by a Committee of the Cabinet?


I am aware that there is a large number of professional and volunteer fire brigades in the Metropolitan Police area outside the administrative county. As already stated in reply to a previous question on this subject, a conference of the heads of a number of these brigades was held by the Chief Commissioner of Police and a scheme of co-operative working agreed upon. The London County Council Fire Brigade have a considerable number of motor fire engines, and should, in the event of fires occurring outside their boundary, be able to give very effective help if the chief attack were upon an outside area; and there are also outside the administrative county a number of motor fire engines available.

42. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the fire brigade in France and some other countries is organised as a regiment for the whole country, so enabling the resources to be distributed where they are most required; and whether he will charge one Minister with the co-ordination of the fire brigade resources of the country, so as to distribute men and material with due regard to the areas most threatened by aerial attack?


I am not aware that the fire brigade service in France is organised as a regiment for the whole country, though I understand this is the case in Paris. Conditions in the two countries are so dissimilar that it cannot be said with certainty that an arrangement suitable to France would be suitable to this country. Our system depends on local control and local initiative; and an attempt suddenly to change it would, I fear, involve loss of efficiency.

Commander BELLAIRS

Who is responsible in future for the fire brigades, and is there any Minister responsible in this House?


I think it has already been explained to the hon. and gallant Gentleman that the fire brigade in London is a local force. I am not aware that the London County Council has, in any way, authorised the suggestion that it has ceased to be so.