HC Deb 24 June 1915 vol 72 c1337
61. Mr. HORNER

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that paragraph 675, Allowance Regulations for the Army, provides that in the event of a retired Army officer being recalled to the Regular Forces during a time of national emergency a sum of £100 is granted him in aid of his outfit; that this grant was announced by the Army Council in the various command orders at the time of mobilisation in August last; that this grant has been refused to certain retired medical officers, by order issued some three weeks after mobilisation, when these officers had incurred the expenditure consequent on their rejoining the Regular Forces, on the ground that at the time of mobilisation they were employed under the War Department; that, prior to mobilisation, these retired medical officers were performing for the small remuneration of £150 per annum duties which, if performed by an officer of the same rank on the active service, would cost the State three or four times the amount; that up to recently no obligation as to the provision or maintenance of uniform was imposed on these officers; that the position and remuneration attached thereto was accepted by them on the distinct understanding that no uniform was required; and that when called on by the War Office letter from the Director-General, Army Medical Service, issued in May, 1914, to provide themselves with uniform no allowance whatever was made to them for this expenditure; and will he have instructions issued for the payment of the £100 outfit allowance to these officers?


If the hon. Member will read again the paragraph of Allowance Regulations which he quotes, he will see that it expressly states that it does not apply to officers who are—as these officers were—upon the effective establishment of the Army at the time of re-employment. The letter of May, 1914, warned the officers concerned that under the Regulations then existing they were required to maintain uniform. I can find no record of any distinct understanding that no uniform was required to be maintained by these officers, such as is suggested in the question; but if the hon. Member can produce to me evidence of such an understanding I shall be happy to consider it.

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