HC Deb 22 June 1915 vol 72 c1033

asked the Attorney-General whether his attention has been drawn to a recent judicial decision to the effect that goods belonging to a company registered in the United Kingdom whose shareholders were alien enemies, and whose directors were alien enemies residing in an enemy State, were not liable to capture as enemy goods; and whether the Government propose to introduce any new legislation to ensure that such a company shall not have, for the future, the status of a British company, and also to provide that the subjects of an enemy State be declared enemies wherever they may reside and their property deemed enemy property wherever it may be?


The case to which I presume my hon. Friend refers is that of the cargo of the "Poona," in which the President of the Prize Court decided as stated. I am asking the Board of Trade to make inquiry as to whether the ship in question is rightly registered as a British ship, having regard to the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, and I shall further consider the whole matter.