HC Deb 17 June 1915 vol 72 cc778-9

asked the Minister of Munitions whether he is aware that three mechanics in the service of the house committee of the Brentwood House Asylum, Essex County Council, having with the permission of the medical superintendent temporarily transferred their services to a local munition factory, were informed by resolution of the works committee that they can serve their country just as well here, and if they decide to stay where they are their places cannot be kept open for them; whether a fourth mechanic was refused permission; whether these men, having served for many years, will, if discharged, lose the benefits to which they are entitled under a superannuation scale; and what steps he proposes to take to prevent local authorities from defeating his efforts to produce munitions and to protect volunteers for this work against being penalised?


I am making inquiries, and will communicate with my hon. Friend.