HC Deb 14 June 1915 vol 72 cc488-9
23. Mr. WHELER

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty on what scale the widows and orphans of the men who were killed in the recent explosion on the "Princess Irene" will be placed as regards pensions and allowances?


also asked whether, as regards pensions and allowances, the widows and orphans of the men killed on the "Princess Irene" will be placed in the same category as the widows and orphans of men killed on active service?


Pensions and allowances to the widows and children of the naval ratings will be awarded on the scale recommended in the Special Report of the Select Committee on Naval and Military Services (Pensions and Grants). Applications for these should be addressed to the Director of Greenwich Hospital, Admiralty, Whitehall. Awards to the dependants of the specially entered mercantile crew and of the dockyard workmen who lost their lives in the disaster will be granted under the provisions of the scheme framed under the Injuries in War (Compensation) Act, 1914. The general provisions of this scheme are that widows receive a pension equal to one-third of the peace pay of their late husbands' rank or 10s. a week if greater. Children receive one twenty-fourth of the pay, or 2s. 6d. a week if greater, up to the age of sixteen. Awards to other dependants vary according to the degree of dependence and other circumstances within the maximum of a widow's pension. Applications should be addressed to the Accountant-General of the Navy, Admiralty, Whitehall.


Has the maintenance allowance reference to any number of children?


I think each child will receive a twenty-fourth of the pay, or 2s. 6d. a week.