HC Deb 10 June 1915 vol 72 cc350-1

asked the Prime Minister if his attention has been directed to the official recruiting advertisement headed, "To the Young Women of London," which begins with the words, "Is your best boy in khaki?" and to another advertisement which, without regard to the circumstances of women, some of whom are widows with an only son, asks them to tell their male relations to "Go"; and if he will at once institute a strict supervision of these advertisements by some person of taste and discretion who will have regard to the kind of language and appeal which ought to be permitted to appear in such official announcements?


My attention has been called by my hon. Friend's question to the poster mentioned. The psychology of the public, particularly in reference to the efficacy of advertisements, is a peculiar and recondite study, and those whose experience is widest will agree that unusual methods sometimes have to be adopted, but even those who have no such experience will know that appeals for recruits must necessarily be addressed to meet the most varied tastes.


Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that it is consonant with the dignity of the greatest Empire in the world that this kind of advertisement should be placarded opposite the War Office and on public buildings throughout the country?


As I have said, appeals had to be made to all kinds of tastes, and that would account for this particular poster.