HC Deb 28 July 1915 vol 73 cc2274-6
67. Mr. CLOUGH

asked the President of the Local Government Board (1) whether he is aware that when local authorities advertise for voluntary enumerators under the National Registration Act they state that males of military age are ineligible; whether the Local Government Board has issued instructions, that males of military age are not to be so employed; and, if so, will he state the grounds on which these instructions have been given; (2) if he will state how many of the 20,000 members of the London Teachers' Association who have offered their services to the Government in the compilation of the National Register are males of military age; whether their offer of assistance will be declined upon this ground; and (3) if he will state how many clergymen, professional men, and special constables have offered their gratuitous services to the Government for the distribution and collection of forms in compiling the National Register; and whether the services of those of military age will be declined, and upon what grounds?


I am not in a position to state the number of persons of various classes who have offered their services in connection with the National Registration Act, nor how many of them are males of military age. The Local Government Board, in their circular of the 17th instant, suggested that the selection of males of military age should be avoided. There are of course, many cases of persons who, on account of physical unfitness or for other sufficient reason, are ineligible for military service, and there is obviously no objection to the employment of such persons.


Is the House to understand that males of military age are not possessed of sufficient intelligence to be of service to the State in compiling the National Register?


No, Sir.

71. Mr. CLOUGH

asked how many males between the ages of nineteen and forty are employed by the Local Government Board; and whether their services will be requisitioned for the compilation of the National Register?


The number is 337. Of these, 120 are on military service. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.

75. Mr. CLOUGH

asked how many males of military age are employed in the Irish Office; and whether their services will be requisitioned for the compilation of the National Register or declined on account of their age?


Included in the present staff of the Chief Secretary's office in Dublin and in London are twelve clerks and four messengers or porters of military age, all of whom are fully employed in the discharge of the duties of the office. It is, accordingly, not anticipated that their services will be utilised in connection with the compilation of the National Register, except in so far as is involved by the correspondence with regard to the compilation which is conducted by that office.