HC Deb 21 July 1915 vol 73 cc1492-3
49. Sir J. D. REES

asked the Prime Minister whether the pledge of His Majesty's Government to respect the holy places of Islam has been translated into Arabic, Persian, Hindustani, and other languages concerned, with suitable emphasis and elaboration, such as is a usual attribute in Oriental literature and journalism, of pledges and proclamations of such high importance and sacred significance; and whether steps have been taken to ensure wide publicity to such translations of the aforesaid pledge?


The pledge of His Majesty's Government and the Allied Governments, that so long as pilgrims were not seriously interfered with no hostile action would be taken against the port of Jeddah or the holy places in Arabia or Mesopotamia, has been made widely known in Africa, Arabia, Persia, and India. The pledge has been welcomed throughout India as evidence of the solicitude of the Government for the welfare of the Moslem subjects of His Majesty.