HC Deb 19 July 1915 vol 73 c1169
60 and 61. Sir J. JARDINE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War (1) how many commissions in the Army have been granted to chemical scholars experienced in analytical, sanitary, research, or other similar matters, and, as regards non-commissioned officers and privates in the chemical company attached to the Royal Engineers, what terms of service are offered; and whether any special arrangements are made or attractions offered to secure men of capacity; and (2) as regards men enlisted as non-commissioned officers and privates in the Chemical Corps, established as part of the Royal Engineers, whether any record is made of the man's university degrees, or whether he has passed any other learned examination with or without honours, so that his attainments may be known at the time of selection for commissions?


It is undesirable to state in public what is being done in this matter; but I will send my hon. Friend information privately.