HC Deb 15 July 1915 vol 73 cc1008-9

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the meeting under the auspices of the Town Tenants' League, of Sligo, publicly called for the 11th of July, to protest against the raising of rents of artisans' houses and against the threatened eviction of several tenants in Sligo for a refusal to pay the increased rent demanded, was proclaimed by his authority; if not, by whose authority was the said meeting proclaimed and what are the grounds for this proclamation; and whether, in the present crisis, the Government of Ireland are lending their aid to landlords for the purpose of enabling them to extort increased rents from the artisan classes in Sligo and other urban communities?


It was considered inadvisable that the meeting referred to should be held at the place for which it was advertised, namely, outside of the house of the landlord to be denounced. The police were accordingly instructed to inform the promoters that it would not be permitted to take place there. The meeting was thereupon held in the Sligo Town Hall without interference. There is no foundation for the suggestion made in the last part of the question.


May I ask who instructed the police to prevent the meeting being held as advertised? Did the right hon. Gentleman instruct them?

