HC Deb 15 July 1915 vol 73 cc978-9
15 and 28. Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTT

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether the town council of Glasgow has brought to his notice the increases in the rents of working-class houses in Glasgow since the outbreak of war; whether his attention has been called to the fact that the French Government has introduced a Bill for the pur- pose of regulating and reducing rents; and whether he proposes to take any action; and (2) whether he is aware that there has been an increase in the rent of working-class houses in Glasgow since the outbreak of the War, and that there are instances in which tenants have twice had their rents raised since August last; and whether he proposes to set up Fair-rent Courts in munitions areas?


There has been some, increase in working-class rents in certain districts of Glasgow, but no general upward movement throughout the country, such increases as have occurred being mainly owing, I am informed, to the rise in local rates. I am not aware of any French Bill on the subject, but a decree was promulgated in January last dealing with extension of time for payment of rent in certain cases—a point which in this country is sufficiently covered by the Courts (Emergency Powers) Act. As at present advised I doubt the need for fresh legislation setting up Fair-rent Courts, but should such necessity arise the Government will not fail to seek fresh powers.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there are cases in which the rents have been raised twice since the War commenced?


I have had a good many individual cases brought to my notice, but I had none in which they have been raised twice. If the hon. Gentleman will let me know what they are I will certainly inquire.


Has the right hon. Gentleman received any expression of opinion that the increase of rental is not due to increase in rates but is sometimes due to the increased allowance to the dependants of soldiers, so that they could pay more?


Yes, I have heard that opinion expressed, but in the cases in which I have inquired the reason given in each case has been the increase in local rates.