HC Deb 12 July 1915 vol 73 cc650-1
42. Mr. FELL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if his attention has been called to the reports that middle-aged men with families of six and seven children have recently enlisted in the Kitchener Army; if inquiry is made of such men as to their families prior to their acceptance; and if there is any disqualification on this head?


No, Sir, I have not had my attention called to any such cases of enlistment into the New Armies. Although on attestation a man is asked to state what family he has, this is not for the purpose of considering whether he is eligible or ineligible from that point of view for enlistment, but for the purpose of record in connection with any claim that may be made for separation allowance.


May we take it that there is no limit and no disqualification in the number of children?


It would be a very inconvenient and a very strange thing to make that a ground of disqualification.