HC Deb 12 July 1915 vol 73 cc653-4
60. Mr. BIRD

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the 6th Cavalry Reserve has received notice that it will shortly be removed from Dublin to Kildare; that it will cost the Government at least £200; that there are several married officers who have taken furnished houses in Dublin; that many non-commissioned officers who have re-enlisted and are not eligible for the front have brought their wives and families to Dublin at their own expense, all of whom will have to incur additional outlay; is he also aware that the accommodation at Kildare is inferior to that at Dublin barracks; and will he give the reason for this change?


The move has been ordered in the interest of war training, to enable the unit to be brigaded with two other Reserve regiments. The cost of the move will be small compared with the military advantages that will be gained. The accommodation at Kildare is good. Should any cases of hardship to the families of officers or soldiers be represented they would be considered, but no undertaking to compensate can be given.