HC Deb 08 July 1915 vol 73 c518

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will state the method adopted by the Treasury in issuing advertising to the Press; whether, in the case of the new War Loan advertising, the Treasury revised the list of newspapers in which these advertisements appeared or whether the allocation of this business was left to an advertising agency; and, if the latter, what instructions the agency received from the Treasury as to distributing the business over the Press of the country?


The ordinary advertisements of the prospectus of the new Loan were issued by the Bank of England in the usual way. Advertisements of a more popular type have been prepared and placed by a distinguished advertising expert who has been so good as to place his services at my disposal for the purpose. The distribution of the advertisements has, subject to general instructions from the Treasury, been settled by that gentleman.


Would it not be distinctly to the advantage of the War Loan to give a reasonable proportion of advertising to the provincial Press, not only in this country, but in Scotland, and more especially those newspapers which circulate very largely amongst the rural and industrial communities?


I was under the impression that the advertisements had been very widely circulated. If my hon. Friend will give me any specific complaint I will forward it to the gentleman in charge of the Department.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration this fact, that as the big Loan closes on Saturday, they might start an advertising campaign in favour of the smaller Loan in the provincial Press?


That campaign is well on its way already.