HC Deb 05 July 1915 vol 73 cc35-6

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether there is any limitation on the piece-work earnings of the employés engaged on munitions of war in Woolwich Arsenal; and, if there is no limit, will he arrange to have printed notices to this effect posted up in every department, so that all doubt on this matter may be removed from the minds of the workmen, in order that every inducement may be offered in order to accelerate the output of war munitions?


No such limitation is imposed by the Factory Administration. I will consider the posting of notices as suggested.

67. Mr. DUNCAN

asked the Under-Secretary for War whether any definite undertaking has been officially given to all pieceworkers employed at Woolwich Arsenal who are engaged in the production of war munitions that piece prices will not be reduced whatever the output of the workmen unless some change in the method of production takes place; whether, where any change in the method of production is made, the alteration in the piece price shall be in strict proportion to the change made in the operation performed by the workman concerned; and whether he will have a printed notice of this information posted in the various Departments, so that all workmen may be fully informed of this fact?


No printed undertaking has been circulated to workers, but I believe the practice of the establishment, which is as described in the first part of the question, is thoroughly well known to all concerned. When a change of rate is made due to change of method of production the price fixed is taken out afresh, having regard to the change in the method. I will consider the posting of notices as suggested.