§ 51. Mr. JOYNSON-HICKSasked the Under-Secretary for War if he will state the reasons which induced the Military Secretary to refuse to sanction the transfer of an officer from the 11th Cheshire to the 17th Middlesex, notwithstanding that such transfer received the approval of the colonels of both battalions, the brigadiers of both brigades, the divisional generals of both divisions, the general commanding the Southern Command, and the general commanding the London Command?
§ Mr. TENNANTThe fact that a transfer receives recommendation from the military authorities in the commands is not necessarily final, and the War Office must retain the right to decide what is or is not against the interests of the Service viewed from a wider standpoint. The transfer of the officer in question was not considered to be in the interests of the Service, nor was his transfer in the rank of captain recommended by his commanding officer. I am loth to encourage the discussion in this House by question and answer of the reasons for or against the promotion or transference of individual officers. The hon. Member and the House should rest assured that the interests of the Service as a whole is and must remain our guiding principle.
§ Mr. TICKLERIs it not a fact that the only consideration of the commanding officer in recommending a transfer is that it is in the interest of the Service, and that there is no other consideration?
§ Mr. TENNANTI think it is so.
§ Mr. JOYNSON-HICKSIs it not the case that the commanding officer did in this case recommend the transfer on those grounds?
§ Mr. TENNANTMy information is not in accordance with that received by the hon. Gentleman. I understand that the commanding officer would not recommend this particular officer to be transferred in the rank of captain.