HC Deb 24 February 1915 vol 70 cc277-8

asked the Prime Minister whether his attention has been called to the injuries caused by the Thames and Wey floods; and whether he will consider the advisability of the appointment of a Royal Commission to determine whether it is possible to prevent, or at least to minimise, the injuries that are annually occasioned to the proprietors of land and other property in the valleys of these rivers?


The attention of the Government has been called from time to time to the serious injury caused by floods in the Upper Thames Valley and to the desirability of a careful inquiry into the matter. In 1914 a scheme was submitted to the Thames Conservancy Board by their engineer, but the cost of carrying it out was estimated at about £3,000,000 and the Conservancy Board expressed doubts whether this heavy expenditure would be justified by the results, among which would be a considerable reduction, in the amenities of the river. The present time hardly appears to be suitable for such an inquiry as the hon. Member suggests.

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