HC Deb 18 February 1915 vol 69 cc1292-3
27. Mr. WHELER

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty when the medals for general services in the operations carried out by His Majesty's Navy in the Persian Gulf in the years 1909–12 will be granted; and whether the new proposals of the Admiralty as regards prize money will apply to prize money now due to officers and men who have been carrying out those operations prior to the outbreak of War?


As stated by my right hon. Friend in reply to the hon. and gallant Member for East Leicestershire on the 10th instant, steps are being taken by the Admiralty to compile the medal rolls for the Royal Navy. The grant of awards for services rendered prior to the outbreak of War will not be affected by the proposed new Prize Proclamation, which will only relate to prize money earned under war conditions. I may say that the Prize Proclamation under which awards were made for services rendered in the Persian Gulf still remains in force for purposes other than the distribution of the net proceeds of prize captured from the enemy. As stated by my right hon. Friend, gratuities in lieu of prize money have been distributed for captures by His Majesty's ships up to May, 1910.

Colonel YATE

Will the right hon. Gentleman complete the distribution of the money due up to the commencement of the present War?


I think the hon. and gallant Member probably heard the reply, that we have to communicate with the Indian Government. I can assure him there will be no delay that can be avoided.