HC Deb 15 February 1915 vol 69 c887
43. Mr. FELL

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if the present ration for the troops in England of 1¼ lbs. of bread per head per day is proving to be more than sufficient; if quantities of bread are left unconsumed by the troops; and if he will cause an inquiry to be made of the commanding officers at the camps as to the quantity they consider sufficient, and what, if any, saving of bread can be made so as to help to relieve the present situation?


Any waste is, of course, very undesirable, but I do not think the present ration of 1¼ lbs. is more than sufficient, more especially when it is taken into account that a portion of the bread ration may be and is drawn in the form of flour for the making of puddings, pies, etc. In view of the medical opinion as to the amount of food required by soldiers under training, it is not thought possible or desirable to cut off any portion of the rations issued to our troops at home. Such a step, unless dictated by absolute necessity, would obviously have a depressing effect and would be open to serious misconstruction.


Will the right hon. Member inquire—and he knows that my last wish is not to deprive the soldiers of any of their food—both of the officers and men if they do not themselves agree that the bread ration is too large, and results in great waste of food?


That would require an investigation.