HC Deb 09 February 1915 vol 69 c408
30. Colonel YATE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether, in view of the importance of providing proper facilities for education in the Indian Army, and as the time is not opportune at present for considering schemes involving additional charges on the Indian Army Estimates, he will represent to the Government of India the advisability of making provision in the Civil Estimates under the appropriation for education, for a special Grant to increase the pay of English-speaking schoolmasters in the regimental schools of the Indian Army, which at present is only 25 rupees per month, or a little over a shilling a day, and also to provide for duly qualified inspectors for Indian regimental schools to ensure a uniform standard of education throughout the Indian Army?


The Secretary of State does not see his way to adopt the hon. and gallant Member's suggestion, as the present time is no more opportune for increasing civil estimates than for augmenting military charges

Colonel YATE

Will my hon. Friend point out how urgent this reform is? I hope that some step will be taken upon it.


I think the hon. Member knows that there is a new Grant this year of 61,000 rupees to improve these schools.

Colonel YATE

That does not increase the pay.