HC Deb 04 February 1915 vol 69 cc183-4

Motion made, and Question proposed,

7. "That a Supplementary sum, not exceeding £400, be granted to His Majesty, to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1915, for the Salaries and Expenses of the National Gallery, and of the National Gallery of British Art, Millbank, including a Grant-in-Aid for the Purchase of Pictures."


I ought to inform the Committee that this Supplementary Estimate is, in part, due to the decrease of fees paid on students' days during the two months when the Galleries had to be closed owing to the danger of violence by suffragettes. It seems a long time back, but it comes within the year. Naturally, when the receipts decreased, it was not possible in a corresponding way to decrease the standing charges. The Supplementary Estimate is also in part due to a decrease in the fees paid by visitors on students' days, owing to the War. Since the War began there has been a decrease in the number of visitors to the Gallery, and although those in charge of the Gallery have economised to the extent of £975, they have not been able to meet the deficiency by £400. We have, therefore, to come to the Committee with this Supplementary Estimate.

Sir J. D. REES

Can the hon. Gentleman say anything with regard to the steps taken to guard the contents of these Galleries?


That does not arise on the Supplementary Estimate.


Is the £400 required for the general expenses of the Galleries, or is it to make up the amount required for the purchase of individual pictures?


It is a question of the Appropriations-in-Aid, which were originally estimated to amount to £2,250. The entrance fees have not come up to the amount anticipated, and the balance-sheet is therefore short by £400. The question of any Grant for the purchase of pictures does not come into the Supplementary Estimate at all.


I am not clear on the point. The Supplementary Estimate says:— Including a Grant-in-Aid for the purchase of pictures. It seems to me that if this £400 is required for the purchase of pictures, there are departments belonging to other nationalities which could quite as well do with the money. If it is required for the expenses of the gallery, I am satisfied; but if it is required for the purchase of pictures, I am not prepared to vote the money.


It is not for the purchase of pictures. The words quoted by the hon. Member are simply a repetition of those in the original Vote.

Sir J. D. REES

Would it be out of order for the hon. Member to state what measures have been taken for the protection of the pictures which the original Estimate was intended to preserve?


Yes, it would on this occasion.

Question put, and agreed to.