HC Deb 21 December 1915 vol 77 c197
36. Mr. WATT

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to level crossings of rail ways over main roads being made at pre sent in the southern parts of Dumfries shire, and in particular to one near the village of Dornoch, which is a danger to the travelling public; has the making of these level crossings received the sanction of his Department; are they to be permanent or temporary; and, if the former, will be give reasons for sanctioning this method of crossing public roads, in view of the fact that Parliament has for many years with held its sanction to such level crossings?


My attention has not been called to the level crossings in question, and unless they were constructed as forming part of a line of railway authorised by Statute the Board of Trade would have no jurisdiction in regard to them. In the case of a private line or siding, the matter would be one for the consideration of the road authority.