§ 12. Mr. KINGasked the President of the Board of Trade whether it is intended to acquire, either by purchase, lease, or commandeering them, all the privately-owned railway trucks so that they may be under the complete control of the Railway Board?
§ 14. Mr. NEVILLEasked whether the Government are proposing to pool the railway wagons of the country; and, if so, whether, before deciding on the form such pooling arrangement will take, he will consult the representatives of wagon companies and private owners?
Mr. RUNCIMANIt has been suggested by the Coal Mining Organisation Committee and by the Port and Transit Executive Committee that railway wagons, including those belonging to private owners, should be pooled, and the suggestion is being carefully considered both by the Board of Trade and by the Railway Executive Committee. I recognise that there are great difficulties in the way of such a scheme. The interests of wagon companies and other private owners will, of course, be carefully considered, and representatives of those interests consulted before any decision can be come to.