HC Deb 28 April 1915 vol 71 cc725-6
44. Mr. JOHN

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Agriculture whether, since his appointment in June, 1912, the Agriculture Commissioner for Wales has been required to report annually upon the condition and requirements of agriculture in the Principality; if not, will he instruct the Commissioner to report fully upon the work of the Department in Wales during the years 1912, 1913, and 1914, and upon the relative condition of agriculture in Wales as compared particularly with Scotland, Ireland, Denmark, and Belgium; and whether in the preparation of such Report provision will be made for him to have the collaboration of the Small Holdings Commissioner for Wales and the representative of Wales on the Development Commission, such Report or Reports to be submitted to the House at an early date?


The Agricultural Commissioner has been in constant communication with the Board on the subjects for which he is more particularly responsible, namely, the development of agricultural education and the improvement of live stock in Wales, but he has not been required to present annual reports. The Board will, however, gladly ask him to report upon the progress made since his appointment and upon the present condition of agriculture in Wales. A comparison with the other countries named by my hon. Friend would be interesting, but it would be a long and arduous work, and under present conditions I am afraid it is not practicable. The Board also propose to ask the Small Holdings Commissioner concerned to report on the progress of the small holdings movement in Wales. The constitutional relations between the Board and the Development Commission make it impossible for the representative of Wales on that Commission to collaborate in these reports.