HC Deb 20 April 1915 vol 71 c182
70. Viscount VALENTIA

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that seventeen men, members of the St. John's Ambulance Brigade, fully trained in field ambulance work, who enlisted at Oxford as hospital subordinates at 4s. per day rate under A.O. 283, 1914, were sent to Chatham 6th August, and there told that they could only receive the ordinary rate of soldier's pay, 1s. 2d., at which rate they are now being paid; that they have never complained of this reduction, as they were led to believe they would go forthwith on service, but have been kept ever since at Chatham; that these men, several of them married and old soldiers, gave up good employment in order to serve the country, and in answer to a leaflet which was largely circulated at the time, since suppressed, offering the same rate of pay as A.O. 283, 1914; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


These men were under an engagement before mobilisation to enlist for home service at the ordinary rates of pay. The Army Order referred to was in force for only a brief period during mobilisation, and offered special terms to a certain number of men required immediately for foreign service. It was found impossible to allow the home service men to throw up their engagement.


Is the hon. Member aware that an offer of 4s. is made in black and white in the Army Order which I hold in my hand, and a leaflet which was widely circulated previously to the issue of the Order I have quoted?


I believe the men are already under engagement for home service, and therefore could not be accepted for foreign service.