HC Deb 20 April 1915 vol 71 cc180-1

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he can state why no promotions were made in the 1st Battalion of the London Scottish amongst the officers, although they had seen active service, and why numerous promotions over their heads were made from the 2nd and 3rd Battalions who have not been on active service at the front; is he aware that dissatisfaction at this action has been caused amongst the junior officers; and can he give any assurance, for the sake of those serving, that the men at the front will have the preference?


This is a matter upon which the War Office are in communication with the Commander-in-Chief with a view to the removal of any cause of dissatisfaction which may exist. As the hon. Member will be aware, the London Scottish expanded rapidly, and in the 2nd and 3rd Battalions, in order to provide a due proportion of officers of the higher ranks, some rapid promotions took place. But this promotion was temporary and the officers thus rapidly promoted should on transfer to the 1st Battalion with the Expeditionary Force assume the order of precedence to which the date of joining the London Scottish entitled them, reverting, if necessary, to a lower rank. As I have said, the matter is being reviewed by the Commander-in-Chief.