HC Deb 17 September 1914 vol 66 cc977-8

I beg to ask the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Admiralty if he can now state the decision which has been arrived at by the Scottish life offices in regard to the insurance premiums of insured sailors now serving with the Fleet?


I have received the following letter from the chairman of the Associated Scottish Life Offices:— As you are aware, the questions raised in your letter of 4th instant to the chairman of the Life Offices Association, London, have been under the consideration of this association. I have now the pleasure to inform you that it has been decided to recommend that in the case of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve and of the Royal Naval Reserve no extra premium shall be charged for active service in respect of policies upon the lives of persons insured before the declaration of war. The question of granting the same concessions to the Royal Fleet Reserve has been carefully considered, but the managers cannot see their way to recommend it. They are of opinion that the concessions already made by the offices are all that can possibly be expected of them in justice to the main body of their policy holders. The managers have considered the suggestions contained in your letter as to what might be done in the case of insured members of the Royal Fleet Reserve and others who are not prepared to pay the extra premiums required. They are of opinion that it is impracticable to lay down fixed rules such as you suggest. The circumstances of the cases are so various that offices must be left to deal with their policy holders according to the circumstances of the particular case. The managers are sure that the offices would desire to show every consideration in such cases.


May I ask whether the letter read represents the industrial or ordinary life offices?


The Associated Scottish Life Offices.