HC Deb 14 September 1914 vol 66 c783

May I ask the Prime Minister what business it is proposed to take to-day and during the rest of the week?


We propose to take to-day the Orders of the Day down to and including No. 6 (Army Pensions Bill).

With regard to the future, the Government hope that the Prorogation may take place this week. As I stated a fortnight ago, it is their intention that the two Bills—Government of Ireland and Established Church (Wales)—which have complied with the conditions of the Parliament Act, shall be placed upon the Statute Book.

I shall introduce to-morrow—and should have done so to-day, but, to my regret, we cannot proceed without notice, objection being taken—a Bill to provide that no steps shall be taken to put either of the two Acts into operation for twelve months in any event, and if the War is not then terminated until such further date, not later than the date of the termination of the War, as may be fixed by Order in Council. I cannot further anticipate the fuller statement which I shall make tomorrow, but I understand that to-morrow it will be for the general convenience that we should take a debate on this Bill.