HC Deb 14 September 1914 vol 66 cc780-1

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the arrest of Charles Reginald Taylor on Friday, 24th July, at Manor Park Road, Harlesden, by Police-constable 716X, assisted by Police-constable 52G, who dragged Taylor from the platform at which he was speaking and marched him to the police station, a distance of about half a mile, when he was charged with wilfully obstructing the roadway; whether he is aware that the case was heard on Monday, 27th July, and that the magistrate, in dismissing the case, stated that the police were wrong in arresting the man Taylor; and whether he will advise that adequate compensation be paid for wrongful arrest?


I think my hon. Friend has been misinformed in this case. I learn on inquiry that no such comment as is suggested in the question was made by the magistrate. It appears that the case was one of serious obstruction in a busy thoroughfare by two rival meetings. The arrest, which was only made after the fullest warning and when no other course was open to the police, appears to have been justified. In these circumstances there is no ground for any grant of compensation.


How was it that no arrests were made from the other platform?


I will inquire in regard to that point if my hon. Friend wishes; but, as I understand, in one case the warning was accepted, while in the other it was not.