HC Deb 10 September 1914 vol 66 cc628-9
23. Sir J. D. REES

asked whether any steps can be taken to expedite the action of the Press censorship and to counteract the effects of inaccurate and interested information published in neutral countries by German official agencies?


All proper steps are being taken to secure the object referred to in the hon. Member's question.


I beg to ask the Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether the attention of the Foreign Office has been drawn to the fact that an organised system exists for the spreading of false reports in neutral countries of an anti-British character, and whether he will consider the advisability of taking such steps as may be necessary for the prompt and official denial of such reports as speedily as possible after publication?


His Majesty's Government are fully aware of the systematic dissemination of false reports attributed to German agency in neutral countries. Steps were immediately taken to counteract the evil. Summaries of official news are regularly telegraphed to His Majesty's representatives in neutral countries, where they are given wide publicity, and are much appreciated, and special denials have been given to the more scandalous statements which have been published. We are informed that this has already had an excellent effect in many instances, and that the campaign of false reports against us is becoming discredited. His Majesty's Representatives in the principal countries concerned have been authorised to obtain such assistance as they may require to deal with this question thoroughly and expeditiously.