HC Deb 25 November 1914 vol 68 c1100
38. Mr. TOUCHE

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been called to the case of the widow of an Army Reservist belonging to the Stoke-on-Trent police force, whose husband died from wounds received in action with the Colours, and whose child was born after the father's death; have the police authorities any power to make provision for the child in cases of this kind; is he aware that the chief constable reported that the pension regulations make no mention of an allowance for a posthumous child; is he advised that, if such an allowance is not specifically included, it is excluded; and, if so, will steps be taken to remedy this hardship?


I am making inquiry in the case and will let the hon. Member know the result, but as at present advised I see no reason to think that posthumous children are excluded from the benefits allowed to children of deceased police officers.