HC Deb 23 November 1914 vol 68 cc793-4
103. Mr. KING

asked the President of the Board of Education what means are taken to ensure that the increased Grants now made to local authorities for school meals are economically and efficiently administered; whether there is an organised inspection of school meals; and whether any complaints from parents or others have been received?


Inspection of the arrangements for the provision of school meals is undertaken by the medical officers of the Board assisted by the inspectors of the elementary branch. Under the regulations for distributing the new Grants, one factor to be taken into account in determining the rate of Grant is the economical and efficient administration of the work. No complaints have been received from parents. One or two letters from other sources drew our attention to the fact that the Act has not been put into operation in certain areas, but so far as I know there are now no outstanding complaints.

104. Mr. KING

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he can make a statement concerning the provision of meals to school children; how many children received free meals in October of this year, and how many in the corresponding month of last year; and whether there is evidence that with the resumption of more steady employment, since the War began, there is a reduction in the demand for free meals for necessitous scholars?


The average number of children fed in each of the five weeks ending 31st October, 1914, was about 183,000. The corresponding figure for 1913 was about 40,000. Since the end of September the number of children fed each week has decreased from about 195,000 to about 157,000. I have no special information on the subject, but I think it may be assumed that the decrease is due to the cause suggested by the hon. Member.


Has the right hon. Gentleman visited any of these schools himself?


Yes; and I have been surprised at the remarkably good quality of the food supplied at these meals.