HC Deb 23 November 1914 vol 68 cc788-91

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that numbers of Germans constantly come and go between New York and this country, and that on the last homeward trip of the "Lusitania" there were some forty or fifty German passengers, all of whom, after a perfunctory examination, were duly landed in Liverpool; and whether he will make arrangements for the more careful inspection of this traffic?


No, Sir. I have no reason to believe that the facts are as stated. Germans cannot land in the United Kingdom without express permission from a Secretary of State, which is very rarely given, and there were, in fact, no passengers of German nationality on board the "Lusitania" when she last arrived in the United Kingdom. The examination of passengers at Liverpool is extremely careful and strict.


asked the Home Secretary if he can give any estimate as to the number of alien enemies still residing within twenty miles of the coast line, drawn from Devonport to Aberdeen, or whether he can give the House an assurance that this coast line has been absolutely cleared of alien enemies?


The hon. Member will be aware that from the North of Scotland down the East Coast, and along the South Coast as far as Dorsetshire, there is a ring of prohibited areas within the meaning of the Aliens Restriction Order. This ring extends inland to a distance of ten or twenty miles, and in some cases more. Within these areas alien enemies are prohibited from residing except with the special permit of the chief constables. Before granting any such permit the chief constables satisfy themselves that it may properly and safely be given, and all permits given are reported to the War Office. According to returns furnished by the police on or about the 7th of this month, it appears that the number of alien enemies residing in the prohibited areas from Aberdeen to Devonport are as follows: Aberdeenshire to Berwick (both inclusive), 35 males, 309 females; Northumberland to the Wash, 543 males, 838 females; from the Wash to the Thames Estuary, 54 males, 230 females; from the Thames Estuary to Dorsetshire, 136 males, 808 females; and in the prohibited area which includes Devonport and Plymouth, 3 males, 5 females. These figures added together give 771 males, 2,190 females.


When they are removed to other parts of the country is any supervision kept over them?


They are all subject to the Aliens Restriction Act.

  1. Birkbeck Bank. 109 words
  2. cc790-1
  3. Labour Exchange Headquarters, Edinburgh and Glasgow. 304 words
  4. c791
  5. Post Office Savings Bank. 67 words