HC Deb 19 November 1914 vol 68 cc556-7

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the Government have purchased for £70 from private owners high-class horses which in peace, time would fetch sums greatly in excess of this in the open market; whether, on the other hand, the Government are also purchasing for 12s., from wholesale firms, bandoliers which in normal times are listed at 4s. 6d.; and whether there is any reason for this differential treatment of private sellers to the Government?


I think the hon. Member is not comparing like with like. Bandoliers are purchased under contract. The horses in question were probably requisitioned, although a large number of horses have been voluntarily given free or at prices less than peace market value by patriotically-minded persons.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that a number of horses recently purchased on behalf of the Government have been refused as unsound or unsuitable by the units to which they were allotted within a few days of their purchase; and whether the Government will institute an inquiry into the qualifications of their purchasing agents with a view to greater efficiency and reliability in that Department and economy to the public purse?


No, Sir. The reports of the Quartermaster-General at the headquarters of the Expeditionary Force and of other high military authorities do not support the suggestion of the hon. Member. If the hon. Member can indicate any specific case of failure, it shall be promptly investigated, but my Noble Friend finds no evidence to justify a general inquiry.

Colonel YATE

Will the hon. Gentleman inquire into the case of the Canadian horses which were sent over to some of the Yeomanry here, and can he inform us of the price paid and the cost of bringing them over, and whether they were worth the cost of transit?


I will make inquiries.