HC Deb 18 November 1914 vol 68 c401

I desire to present a Petition signed by over 125,000 persons of all shades of political and religious opinions in various parts of the country. It has been collected in the past ten days by a committee formed for that purpose. The humble prayer is: "That this House will be graciously pleased to grant just and generous pensions and allowances to all our soldiers and sailors disabled in this Wear, also to the widows and other dependants of those who fall in the War." I feel that it is not necessary for me to commend this Petition to the consideration of the House. The whole community demands this simple act of justice at our hands.


There is some difficulty about this Petition, because pensions and allowances can only be granted if the Crown proposes them to the House. I will call upon the hon. Member to present it but he must take the risk of the Public Petitions Committee reporting that it is not in order. Will the hon. Member please bring the same to the Table.