HC Deb 21 May 1914 vol 62 cc2110-4

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that during the negotiations for the sale of the Warburton estate, Queen's County, which were carried on in the Land Judge's Court, one of the terms of conditions of sale, clearly and definitely agreed on between the owners and the tenants and sanctioned by Mr. Justice Boss, was that a portion of untenanted land, known as the Pullogh meadows, should be allotted amongst the tenants on the townlands of Strahard, Barranaghs, and Garryinch whose holdings do not exceed £10 valuation; if the Estates Commissioners have not divided the Pullogh meadows in accordance with this arrangement, but have given allotments both to tenants whose valuations exceed £10 and to tenants who have not holdings on the before-mentioned townlands, and left without any allotments deserving tenants with holdings on the three townlands under £10 valuation who signed their purchase agreements on condition this land would be allotted amongst them; if these tenants have forwarded a petition to the Estates Commissioners strongly protesting against being deprived of their allotments and protesting against the action of the Estates Commissioners in not giving effect to the terms of sale which all parties concerned considered just and equitable; and whether the Estates Commissioners, on a reconsideration of the facts and circumstances, will give full effect to the agreement arrived at in Judge Ross's Court and divide the Pullogh meadows in accordance with the same?


When this estate was the subject of proceedings in the Land Judge's Court it was arranged in connection with its proposed sale under the Irish Land Act, 1903, that Pullough Meadows, so far as possible, were to be sold to the tenants on the townlands named whose holdings did not exceed £10 a year valuation, but the Court subsequently approved of a sale of the lands to the Estates Commissioners, who were to be informed of the proposed disposal of them. When dealing with the estate the Commissioners, after inquiry, approved of a scheme of allotment which they consider is a fair and equitable one. In framing this scheme they had regard to the circumstances of the tenants on the three townlands in question, to whom twenty-eight of the forty parcels of land provided under the scheme have been allotted. The reply to the concluding portion of the question is in the negative.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, having regard to his own recognition of the importance and urgency of the completion of land purchase in Ireland, if he will say why he does not proceed with the Bill he has introduced with that object, trusting to the constitutional parliamentary methods of ascertaining the views of the parties concerned; and, this being the last Session in which a full Irish representation will be here, whether he will make an effort to have the Bill passed?


The reason why I do not at once proceed with the Land Bill is that in the absence of some general measure of previously arrived at agreement no real progress with so complicated a measure would be possible.

18. Mr. DELANY

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether Major Marsh, the present owner of the lands of Annegrove, Scott estate, Raheen, Queen's County, has notified the Estates Commissioners of his willingness to sell that part of the lands of Annegrove in his possession and has furnished them with maps of the same; and can he say what steps the Estates Commissioners intend taking in the matter?


The hon. Member presumably refers to the lands of Killeaney on the estate of R. M. Marsh, Queen's County, the owner of which recently wrote to the Estates Commissioners with reference to the sale of this estate to the Commissioners, and they informed him that if he desired to sell the lands referred to he should institute formal proceedings for the sale under the Land Purchase Acts. Up to the present the owner has not instituted such proceedings.

21. Mr. DORIS

asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet issued a final offer for the estate of Mr. D. G. Fitzgerald, Turlough, county Mayo; and, if not, what has caused the delay; and when the Board hope to be able to issue such offer?


The Congested Districts Board have issued a final offer for the purchase of this property.

22. Mr. DORIS

asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet come to an agreement for the purchase of the congested estate of Mr. F. C. Garvey, Murrisk Abbey, county Mayo, or what stage the negotiations for purchase have reached?


The Congested Districts Board have not yet agreed to purchase the estate referred to. They have issued an offer for the purchase of it, which has not yet been accepted.

23. Mr. DORIS

asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet issued offers for the congested estates of the Achill Mission and Mrs. Pike, situate in Achill, county Mayo; and, if not, what is the cause of the delay, the owners having long since expressed their willingness to sell?


The answer to the first paragraph is in the negative. The estates referred to have been valued and the Congested Districts Board have decided to make offers for their purchase which will be issued as soon as practicable.

24. Mr. DORIS

asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet come to an agreement with Mrs. Agnes O'Donnell for the purchase of her estate in Achill, county Mayo; and when they hope to complete the purchase?


The Congested Districts Board have not yet agreed to purchase the estate referred to, and they cannot at present say when it is likely that the purchase will be completed.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether Mr. James W. Bond informed the tenants around his Cooleraff farm that he was willing to sell the same to the Estates Commissioners for division amongst the people; whether any inspection of the holding took place, and what was the valuation put on it by the inspector; what price Mr. Bond demanded; and will he direct that the matter be reopened, as it is believed Mr. Bond will now be willing to reconsider the matter?


I would refer the hon. Member to my replies to his previous questions on this subject. If, as stated in the question, the owner is willing to sell the lands to the Estates Commissioners, he should institute proceedings for sale before them, but up to the present he has not done so. At this stage of the negotiations it would be contrary to the practice of the Commissioners to give the other particulars asked for in the question.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this gentleman has changed his view, and is now willing to reopen negotiations?


I am very glad to hear it.


Will the right hon. Gentleman ask the inspector to go into the case again?


I will communicate with the inspector.