HC Deb 21 May 1914 vol 62 c2130

asked the Home-Secretary whether official Reports are available as to the wet-bulb temperatures in mines; whether inspectors or deputies are required to call the attention of mining managers to any wet-bulb temperature over 70 deg. Fahrenheit; and whether there is any legal limit set to the temperatures under which miners shall be allowed to work?


Provision is made in the Coal Mines Act and Regulations under it for the wet-bulb temperatures in all coal mines to be duly ascertained and recorded. Hygrometers are required to be kept in the main intake and main return near the shafts; they are to be read by a responsible official, daily in the case of the intake, weekly in the case of the return; and the readings are to be recorded in a book which is kept at the office of the mine. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.