HC Deb 21 May 1914 vol 62 c2107
6. Sir J. D. REES

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has received a representation from the London All-India Moslem League regarding the treatment of Macedonian Moslems at the hands of the Greeks in the Balkans, and asking that steps be taken to give effect to the provisions of the Treaty of Berlin in order to afford to Moslems in ceded territories protection and civil and religious freedom, and compensation for being driven from their homes; and, if so, what action will be taken by the Government in the directions indicated?


Such a representation has reached me, as have also communications in which precisely similar charges are brought by Greeks against the Turkish authorities in Thrace. His Majesty's Government have brought under the consideration of the Powers the question of a reaffirmation of the civil and religious rights of minorities provided for under the Treaty of Berlin. Complaints of ill-treatment of Greeks by Turks were brought unofficially to the notice of the Turkish Government, and I have already brought the complaints of the ill-treatment of Mussulmans by Greeks in the same way to the notice of the Greek Government.

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