HC Deb 14 May 1914 vol 62 cc1263-4

asked the Chief Secretary if he can state when the £1,000,000 promised by the Government for the housing of the working classes in Ireland will be available; whether he is aware that there are a number of schemes for the building of cottages passed by the Local Government Board for two years or more at a standstill for want of funds, although the houses are badly needed to replace the hovels at present existing; and whether, having regard to these facts, he will without further delay introduce a Bill dealing with this matter without waiting for the passage of the Irish Land Bill into law?


No schemes which have been approved by the Local Government Board have been held up for want of money, but there are a number of schemes which have not yet been inquired into owing to funds not being available. As stated, in the event of no agreement being arrived at as regards the Land Bill, I shall endeavour to introduce a one-Clause Bill securing a sum of £1,000,000 to complete outstanding schemes for the erection of labourers' cottages in Ireland, but I am not at present in a position to make any further statement on the subject.


Will the right hon. Gentleman explain to the House the difference between "want of money" and "want of funds," which he read from the Paper in his hands?


Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries into the facts alleged in my question, which are perfectly accurate, that there are schemes approved of by the Local Government Board that have been held up for two years for want of funds, and can he say when the Labourers Bill—in the event of the Land Bill not passing as an agreed measure—is likely to become law?


The statements in the question are, I believe, perfectly accurate, but no schemes actually approved are being held up. There are a number of schemes under consideration which are not being proceeded with because of the absence of money. That is perfectly true. I can assure the hon. Gentleman that no effort on my part will be wanting to see that this sum of a million required for these schemes is forthcoming before the end of the Session.


Will the right hon. Gentleman inquire into the scheme put forward by the Rathkeale District Council, which has been approved by the Local Government Board and passed four years ago, but cannot be carried through for want of money?


Yes; I will inquire.


Will the one-Clause Bill be introduced this Session?


I hope so; unless it is included in the Land Bill.