HC Deb 05 May 1914 vol 62 cc232-3

The council of a non-county borough or urban district having powers and duties under the principal Act and this Act may, at any time after the passing of this Act, by agreement with the council of the county, and with the approval of the Board of Education, relinquish in favour of the council of the county any of those powers and duties, and in that case the powers and duties of the authority so relinquished shall cease, and the area of the authority shall, as respects those powers, be part of the area of the county council.


I beg to move, after the word "county" ["by agreement with the council of the county"], to insert the words, "in which the borough or urban district is situate."

I have a series of Amendments following this which I understand the right hon. Gentleman is prepared to accept. Their object is to indicate that the county to which a non-county borough or urban district can ally itself for the purposes of Clause 3 would be that county in which the borough or urban district is situate. The other Amendments are consequent upon this Amendment.


I beg to second the Amendment.


I shall be glad to accept this and the other Amendments, with the exception of the one which proposes to leave out the word "those," and to insert instead thereof the word "such."


In connection with this matter I think small counties, of which there are several in Scotland and Wales and two in England—Rutland and Huntingdon—ought to be considered. In these small areas the consideration is one of importance.


The authorities in these cases can make arrangements one with another. It will not be necessary for the authorities in Scotland, because the Bill does not apply to Scotland, and in England it would not be necessary to put up a school unless there were forty-five children in the area for whom no provision was made.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: Leave out the word "the" ["in favour of the council"], and insert the word "that."

Leave out the words "of the county."

Leave out the word "and" ["those powers and duties"], and insert the word "or."

Leave out the word "and" ["powers and duties"], and insert the word "or."

After the word "powers" ["as represents these powers "3 insert the words "or duties."—[Mr. C. Bathurst.]