HC Deb 31 March 1914 vol 60 c1020
68. Mr. DELANY

asked the Chief Secretary whether the Estates Commissioners have received a memorial from the inhabitants of Mountmellick and Rosenallis districts, Queen's County, who are, and have been, users of Mrs. Adair's bog for fuel, requesting them to purchase the bog under Section 18 of the Land Act, 1909; whether the Commissioners have also received a resolution passed by the district council of Mountmellick, expressing their willingness to become trustees under the same section of the Act; and, in view of the fact that the present owner, Major Stoney, Graigue, Mountmellick, has expressed his willingness to dispose of his interest in the property, can he say what steps the Estates Commissioners propose taking in the matter?


The Estates Commissioners have received the memorial and resolution referred to, and propose to make inquiries in the matter.