HC Deb 26 March 1914 vol 60 c556

asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention had been called to the neglect by the governors of Lincoln Christ's Hospital to give effect to the recommendations made by the Board of Education in 1913 as to the appropriation of the Welton Christ's Hospital endowment between Lincoln, Welton and Potter Hanworth; and what steps he proposes to take to ensure that the rural parishes of Welton and Potter Hanworth obtain their fair share of the proceeds of the endowment?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. A. Pease)

The Board of Education have not made any such recommendations as are referred to by the right hon. Baronet. The Board, however, intimated that they would be prepared, with the concurrence of all parties, to undertake a specified amendment of the existing schemes for the appropriation of the endowment. It was made clear that this concurrence was a condition precedent, and, as it has not been obtained, no further action is contemplated. I am unable to accept the view that the parishes of Welton and Potter Hanworth do not obtain their fair share of the endowment.