HC Deb 26 March 1914 vol 60 c549
71. Mr. J. P. FARRELL

asked the Postmaster-General the terms of the agreement entered into by the Post Office with Mr. Michael Ross, Longford, for the use of his premises as a telephone exchange in that town; whether the exchange has yet been installed therein; if not, whether he proposes to continue paying Mr. Ross for premises which are not being used for the purpose agreed on; and how long he intends to continue this waste of public money?


The agreement with Mr. Michael Ross provides for the use of part of his premises as a telephone exchange at a rent of £25 a year for seven years with a break at the end of five years. The exchange has not yet been installed owing to the fact that some of the persons who promised to subscribe have withdrawn their support. I am advised that there is no ground for withholding payment of the rent from Mr. Ross.