HC Deb 26 March 1914 vol 60 cc545-6
58. Mr. ASTOR

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been drawn to the investigations conducted by Dr. Philp Mitchell and Mr. Stiles in regard to the causation of tuberculous cervical glands in infants and children residing in Edinburgh; whether 90 per cent. of the cases examined have been traced to cows' milk containing bovine tubercle bacilli; and whether he proposes to take any steps for the better protection of children from the infection of tuberculosis conveyed by milk?


I am aware of the investigations referred to. Similar investigations have been made on behalf of the Local Government Board which in- dicate that tuberculosis in children is often clearly connected with the consumption of tuberculous milk. I am now engaged in the preparation of legislation to deal with this and other sources of infection and with the adulteration of milk, and hope to be able to make a statement with regard to it at an early date.