HC Deb 26 March 1914 vol 60 c541
102. Captain FABER

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will inquire into the case of Stephen Bennett, of Amfort, Andover, who is now receiving 12s. a week, half-pay compensation for injury received by him whilst at his ordinary employment; whether this man receives no insurance pay whilst he is ill, although he has always paid his contributions to the insurance funds; whether the compensation pay comes out of the man's employer's pocket; and what does the State do for this man during his illness in return for his contributions?


I see no reason for special inquiry into this case as upon the facts as stated by the hon. Member, the insured person would not appear to be entitled to sickness benefit. The contributions payable under the Insurance Acts do not provide insurance for sickness benefit in cases where the Workmen's Compensation Act secures compensation equal to, or exceeding, the sickness benefit otherwise payable. Had double provision been made for such cases the contributions would have had to be increased.