HC Deb 25 March 1914 vol 60 c374
77. Mr. F. HALL

asked if complaints have been received from a number of small traders as to the injurious effect upon their interests of the compulsory closing provisions of the Shops Act; if, in particular, complaint has been made of the injustice of allowing certain businesses, such as tobacconists and confectioners, to remain open, while others of an equally necessary class have to close; and if the Government propose to introduce amending legislation to deal with the matter?


Some representations have been received from small traders as to the effect of the weekly half-holiday provisions, but except in one or two cases no complaint has been made in regard to the exemption allowed to the trades specified in the Second Schedule. I have no reason to think that there is any general dissatisfaction among small traders, and I do not contemplate the introduction of any amending legislation at present.


Is it not a fact that Members of the Government have admitted the harshness of this Act, and have stated that it is only the want of time which precludes bringing in an amending Bill?


The statements have not been brought to my notice.


I shall have pleasure in bringing them to the notice of the right hon. Gentleman.